All the Things
- TV Dashboard
- Helpdesk Coordinator / Despatcher Dashboard
- Management Dashboard
- Executive Dashboard
- Updates every 30 seconds
Unlimited Users
No Contracts…. because we hope Syncro will add these features as standard very soon. Once they do, we don’t want you to be stuck…
TV Dashboard
Quick easy to see statistics and metrics for techs in their day-to-day jobs
- Arrange the layout yourself or use the pre-made layout
- Auto-refresh every 30 seconds or less
- Pre-made dashboard items available
- Custom metrics available on request for extra $
Tech Dashboard
More detailed information for technicians to view on their computers
- Arrange the layout yourself or use the pre-made layout
- Quick links which take you straight to the ticket or related page in Syncro
- Auto-refresh every 30 seconds or less
- Pre-made dashboard items available
Coordinator Dashboard
A More detailed overview of technician load and ticket distribution as well as general items
- Arrange the layout yourself or use the pre-made layout
- More detailed information for technicians to view on their computers
- Quick links which take you straight to the ticket or related page in Syncro
- Auto-refresh every 30 seconds or less
- Pre-made dashboard items available
Exec / Owner Dashboard
A highly granular and detailed dashboard giving a full overview of your Syncro organization.
- Financial figures
- Display invoices that have not been synced to your accounting package
- Display estimated income next billing cycle (designed for AYCE MSP’s)
- Arrange the layout yourself or use the pre-made layout
- Quick links which take you straight to the ticket or related page in Syncro
- Auto-refresh every 30 seconds or less
- Pre-made dashboard items available
Better Syncro Search
We built a better search for tickets than the builtin syncr search.
Our search looks for matches in:
- Ticket Comments
- Email Address
- Ticket Title
- Business Name
- Contact Name